Monday, October 20, 2008


Getting ready for church yesterday, Ella was all ready to go except for doing her hair. I was also just finishing getting ready myself and she looked up at me and told me I looked beautiful. (How sweet, thank you.) She then went into our bedroom, looked in the mirror, and burst into tears. She was so sad, big tears rolling down her face. We had no idea what was wrong and Jeremy quickly ran to her to see what she needed.

Her reply, "I'm not pretty like mommmmmyyyyyy (huge sob)."

Oh dear! We reassured her she was beautiful and tried to help her calm down. It took at least 10 minutes and when she finally did she wanted her hair done just like mine. This has to be saddest, best compliment I've ever received. Ella, you are beautiful (inside and out)!!!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

sweet little ella. you're both beautiful!

(and maybe one day ella can teach layla that it's FUN to have your hair done...we're back to the drawing board with that one.)