Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The "Perfect" Tree

We went Christmas tree hunting on Saturday. Rule #1 in tree hunting is don't take the easy path because you won't find a's where everyone else has already been. However, when you have 3 little kids who all look like the kid from "The Christmas Story" and have a hard time putting one foot in front of the other, the easy path is what it has to be. We ended up walking a long ways and then going to where we should have in the first place, straight up the mountain, before we found any sort of decent tree. Even so, we had to settle and our tree just isn't quite as beautiful as it was last year. Really, though, once a tree has lights and decorations, how can it not be beautiful, especially with the "pretty" cluster of decorations kids tend to do. You know what I'm talking about...7-8 christmas bulbs on a small branch that struggles to support just one small bulb. On top of that, our "perfect" tree is a little lopsided with its distribution of branches and has tipped over twice now, decorations and all. I think we have the problem solved now and hopefully will have no more broken bulbs scattered over the living room floor.

I love Christmas! Really, I do, I'm not being sarcastic. I love Christmas!


Mortons Love said...

Cute pictures!

katrina said...

1. Jer's facial it!
2. You guys are amazing. Packing 3 kids and cutting down a tree couldn't have been easy.
3. Logan is a beautiful boy. I can't believe how much he's changed.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I wish we could go cut down our own tree! I'm sure the kids would love it. The mountains are just too far away! Hope you guys are doing well and have a very Merry Christmas!