Friday, February 20, 2009

so there you are

Well, those last 3 posts at least catch things up a little bit on what has been going on with us. We are so excited for warmer weather and long days at the park. Jeremy is working hard as usual. He has been enjoying our new treadmill almost as much as I have. Lincoln and Ella are great buddies and play together all day with Logan trailing behind, trying to keep up with his big brother and sister. They are very good at including him in their play.

Lincoln is basically potty trained. My nothing. He eventually heard enough about his little friends going potty that he decided he wanted to wear underwear too and since then he's done great and I don't even have to set the timer or anything...he just lets me know. I said basically potty trained because he asks for a diaper when he has to do number 2. I figure I'll just keep encouraging him but I'm sure he will decide at some point that he wants to do that in the potty too and we'll be good.

Anyway, loving life, random days spent in sweats, hard treadmill workouts, days with friends, and beautiful children.

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