Saturday, September 12, 2009


A favorite family night of ours...riding our bikes
to get the most delicious ice cream in the world.
Our preferred flavors:

Jeremy - chocolate

Me - lemon custard

Ella -bubblegum or blue mint (its a toss-up)

Lincoln - bubblegum or blue mint (loves his sister)

Logan - vanilla (my choice for him)


Danny + Alene said...

I always choose lemon custard too! We must be related.

Nells-Bells said...

bubblegum, blue mint, lemon custard, oreo fudge, chocolate could i ever choose a favorite?? aggie ice cream is THE BEST!!!

Kade and Katie said...

i'm surprised we didn't see you there. if we have another warm night, let's pray we do, we would love to join you in a ride. and lemon custard? you and livi, crazy girls!