Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sigh of Relief

Did you hear it? If you heard a large breath of wind this morning at approximately 10:15, that would be me breathing a huge sigh of relief for the comlpetion of our primary program. The primary children were beautiful, special, lovely, true sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father...and much, much more. I was filled to overflowing. And believe me, overflow I did.

I am full of gratitude.

On another note, I just read this in a book of poems by Carol Lynn Pearson and I have to share.

I knew
That in heaven
All are happy.
But I wish
I'd known
The reason

To the happy
Do they
Open the door.

My wish for today...that we could all be happy.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just because...

...I love them so.

The List

After picking up a witches costume for Ella at the store, she was beyond excited and was trying to figure out all of the things she needed to complete the outfit.

Ella: "Mom, what other things do we need to get."

Me: "Well, we probably need some black shoes and black tights to go with your dress and hat."

Ella: "Oh, yeah...but mom, how will we remember all of those things."

Good point, there are 4 of them.

Me: "I don't know. What do you think?"

Ella: "I know!!!! Let's make a list!!!!"

Yes. Definitely. A girl after my own heart.

She spent the next 10 minutes or so drawing a picture of each item for her list on sticky notes and sticking them to the front window.