Friday, January 29, 2010

So Long

Yes, 3 months is a long time to go without blogging. A few excuses for that...a full to the brim computer (couldn't upload any pictures), morning sickness (which lasted all day), and a camera that didn't quite survive a cycle in the washing machine (lost many pictures).

Those things have now been fixed and we are back to hopefully at least once or twice a month blogging (fingers crossed)

Counting our Blessings - our Top 5

1. Three crazy, beautiful children.
2. One healthy pregnancy.
3. Home projects. We love having a home we can improve and make our own.
4. Steady work for Jeremy. Too many people are without.
5. Kids in bed before 8. It really does happen sometimes.


Michelle said...

I was so excited when I opened to your blog and saw a gazillion new posts! So fun to read!

katrina said...

3 months is a long time, but how about 4 months?