Yes, folks, all 4 kids sat on Santa's lap this morning at our ward party. You might not think that is much of an accomplishment, but you sure would if you had seen them last year.
Ella asked for a Rapunzel Barbie,
Lincoln "reminded" Santa about the Legos he wanted,
Logan asked for "a present" (easy enough),
and Landon just looked really big.
How did we spend the rest of our Saturday?
Sliding down stairs in snow pants,
building a pirate snowman,
putting up more Christmas lights (thanks Dad!),
going to Tangled,
playing hide-and-seek,
and singing Christmas songs.
Side note: When we got home from the Christmas Party this morning, Logan says, "Mom, I saw christmas tree." Based on some background information that I had gained in previous conversations, I asked, "You saw Santa Claus?." He pauses for a moment, then, "Yes, Santa Clause." I don't think there is another 2-year-old out there who would actually mistakenly call Santa Claus christmas tree, but I take it in stride for this is the same kid who points out the window at the horses and says, "Look, mom, elephants!"