The teacher knows our situation. I told her just for this purpose, so she could let me know if behavior changed.
Something did happen. She was left home while her dad spent a weekend with her brother and she was beyond heartbroken about it. There were reasons and I tried to help her understand, but some things a 6-year-old just doesn't get when it involves being left out and all she feels is unwanted and unloved.
My poor girl. I want to fix it. She will be okay. It will take normalcy, stability, and love on my end, but I know she will be okay. Pray for my kids. They really need it sometimes. I love them more than anything and my heart is hurting for them.
This makes me cry. Your heart must be breaking. More.
You are an amazing mom!!! Keep Loving her and Praying for her!! PLEASE PLEASE let us know what else we can do to help. (we will be praying). You are so Great! call anytime, i would love to chat with you.
Prayers doubled. Love you guys.
I have been and I will continue.
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