Monday, August 18, 2008


Life this past week has been normal - insanely busy. We cleaned apartments for Jeremy's parents Wednesday through Saturday. We'd spend 5 or more hours a day cleaning up gross college student living and then come home to our own messy house and have no desire to clean it. Let's just say by Sunday morning my house stunk from dirty dishes and there wasn't a clean pair of underwear to be found. (Too much information, I know.)

My kids were angels. They were so great during the apartment cleaning. They would just play on the lawn or follow me around and jump on couch cushions. Of course, the bags of candy bars and donuts provided by Grandma didn't hurt matters any. They are so cute tagging around with each other, always together, making up games, only occasionally scratching and biting.

I now know Lincoln's enemy in this world...BEES. He has been stung 4 times already this summer. I can't even remember getting stung 4 times in my life. Poor kid. I'm afraid he's developing quite the fear of bees now...can you blame him?


katrina said...

4 times! Poor kid. I bet you're glad to be done with the apartments. I can't believe you are still helping....shouldn't three little kids be your excuse to get out of it?

Brittney said...

he got stung again?!?! poor little linc! seriously. i'd be having nightmares by now if i were him. he's a tough little kid.