Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday, Ella! She turned 4 on Wednesday.

How the day began: Lincoln running down the hall to where I am working, yelling excitedly, "Mommy, mommy, did you put balloons for Ella! Mommy, mommy!" He had noticed the decorating we had done last night and was obviously happy about it.

A little while later, Ella walks in slowly, tired eyes still apparent. She says in a quiet, calm voice, "Mom, I saw the decorations...and I saw the Tinkerbell balloon." You know, acting like it was no big deal, but you could tell she was pretty happy about it. Then she wanted me to go up with her to look at it all again.

Again, a little while later, Ella comes in and says, "Mom if Lincoln doesn't cry I'll let him open my presents. If he doesn't be mad I'll let him have one of my balloons. I just made that deal." Awesome.

We had a fun relaxing day which included preschool where Ella got to hand out a treat to all of her classmates that she had picked out the day before (gummy breakfast food...delish!).

She picked what we were going to have for dinner, spaghetti, and we had a small family party for her. She was so cute and so sweet, letting Lincoln open a few of her presents. She was most excited about her barbie rollerskates and has been zooming (okay, not really zooming, more like lurching) around the house ever since. Every time Ella would open something new Lincoln would say, "When I'm 4 I get rollerskates...or a booster seat... or new underwear." You get the idea. It was pretty hilarious.

Love that girl!

1 comment:

katrina said...

What a sweetheart! I love that girl. Hooray for laminate floors so that Ella can rollerskate inside. Perfect!